There are thousands of hosting services promising to deliver high end service but very few and dedicated ones can achieve it. Our Cloud VPS delivers extremely high performance due to our server-grade SSD, Juniper network and perfect configuration.
Our state of art Cloud VPS are based on new Server-Grade SSD storage drives. Differently from others, we offer a decent amount of space with each plan.
Install scripts directly and get you new project up in no time. Excellent performance for Wordpress, WooCommerce, Prestashop, etc. Gigabit network connection.
We like very much clean machines, this is why we prefer to deliver VPS and Dedicated Server clean with just the minimal OS Installation. Perfect for experienced users.
Servers up-time is guaranteed thanks to our perfect power management. The systems are never power cycled automatically thanks to redundant power supply.
As stated before, all plans are suited on SSD drives which offers the highest IOPS rate and furthermore only few accounts are allocated on the same box.
If your demand for server power, space and features increases, you can always upgrade the service. From your client area you can manage all your services.
You don't know which one to choose? You have special requests? Contact us and let us know right now, we will get back to you immediately. You can drop a message through the live chat system as-well.
Sono felice di avere trovato Storage.AL, ho lanciato finalmente il mio primo website e uso il mio indirizzo e-mail personalizato. Sono contentissimo del supporto tecnico.
Storage.AL is very interesting, I ordered a dedicated server and received root login after few minutes. All clean and fast, no hassle, no complicated interfaces. I like it.
I am not a pro but I like very much to have my presence online and post new things online every day. The service works great and I never faced any issue. Support is great as-well.